The Storm of My Life

There once was a mesquite tree in our front yard. It's branches stretched about two car lengths in front of our home. The breadth of its trunk spoke of its life and I often wondered what stories it would've told. It's leaves provided much needed shelter from the hot desert sun and birds found it a great place to call home.

One night, an electrical storm and fierce wind took hold of this wise old tree. It's long and beautiful branches, that many adored, were snapped in half.  Years of growing and maturing were broken in a single nights storm.

Our broken tree :(

I've thought of this tree often and how it foreshadowed the following events in my life.

September 2015:
-Tree falling in yard
-My Uncle passing away unexpectedly
-Starting of our new mattress business
-Receiving news that our foster children may not live with us much longer

During the two week timeframe that all this happened, I cannot remember the amount of times I cried or felt defeated. Initially I trusted God, and then I began to doubt Him, and then I trusted Him again. I realized that I was becoming the branches of that tree, wavering back and forth in the storm of my life.

I prayed, I cried, and then I decided to move forward. I asked myself, "What can I do?" Unfortunately, I could do nothing about the past, but I could change the way I looked at the future. I decided that I needed to trust in the Lord's plan. Now, that doesn't mean that His plan won't hurt along the way, but it will at least help me survive the staggering winds.

I called the Elders quorum president to initiate cleanup of our tree. Many volunteers came out to labor with us as we loaded thorny branch after thorny branch into a trailer to be hauled off. My heart was touched that so many would come to help us. A sign that Heavenly Father would not leave us alone.

Austin conquering the tree

While attending my uncle's funeral, I was touched time and again of how great of a man he was. Sensitive, loving, playful, and thoughtful are just a few qualities I admired. During a defeated moment I was having (while dwelling on my own problems), my Aunt, now widowed, was a pillar of strength and comforted me when I should've been comforting her. A tender mercy and a firm example of love.

Our mattress company had a rough start. In the midst of all this turmoil I was starting to be of the mindset to "take a loss and move on with life without this extra headache".  Luckily, the Lord has blessed us once again and the last two weeks have exponentially increased in sales and revenue.

Lastly, I initiated contact with our children's grandma, the woman who "was trying to take our kids away" (which I know are not my biological kids, but yes, these were the harsh words in my mind). I was hesitant at first but have found her friendship as comforting and rewarding. My heart, while happy for us, even broke for her when I found out the judge decided to keep the kids with us. I could tell her love was genuine and that she was fearful of losing her grand-babies forever. I've reassured her that she hasn't lost them but she has now gained another daughter and son instead.  This new friendship has initiated her return to attending church meetings, and possibly even other family members will start attending as well. This has yet again reconfirmed the Lord's hand in my life.

The kids always come first so we all need to "stick" together. 

I would be a fool to not see what miracles have been happening right before my very eyes. The Lord is good, and while His storms can be fierce, His plan is perfectly molding me into the best person I can be.

I am grateful for these storms, for it is through them that I can truly enjoy the light of a new day.


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