2015 Reflections

2015 was a good year for us. Here are some of the highlights:

- We figured out ways to manage our new mattress business; including proper tax procedures, organizational tools, and communication strategies.

- I was able to see the joy and renewed confidence in Austin's face when he passed the patent bar. 

- I was able to feed and nurture an infant as if she were my own. In the same beat, I experienced my first loss as a foster mom. 

- Last, but not least, I had children come to me for the first time when they needed a bandaid, a hug, a bedtime story, a mom... And that has been awesome. 

Fun memories lately:
- The look on my daughters face when I told her there was no official bathroom on our camp out. Shock, surprise, and then determination followed, with no complaints. Rock star.

- When I told my kids about when I chased a boy in 1st grade. They then asked if I wanted "to marry him". I said, "of course! He was so cute, hubba hubba!" They started giggling and then proceeded to tell me of the kids they "wanted to marry". They're too young! We were all giggling by the end! 

-When I fold my daughters pants I swear they're too small for her. I guess you could say she seems much bigger than her britches. She's one of those going-on-16 type of girls. 

- The excitement they had when we went sledding for the first time. "Wahoo!" was heard multiple times and constant eating of dirty snow... There's only so many warnings a mom can give.

So here's to 2016! A year that may have ups and downs. If life goes well, awesome! But if my heart breaks, I hope it welds together stronger than before. 

Happy New Years!


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