Learning How to Win When You Lose

On our back porch there's an old milk carton that we decorated to be a bird feeder. It's painted all over with splotches of yellow, green and blue. The design may be lacking but it was one of the first activities I did with my foster daughter before she moved into our house. Unfortunately, it's still not finished... It's been sitting there for 9 months, with no bird seed, and has never been hung up. 

About 2 weeks ago the judge determined that our kids will be reunited with their biological father at the end of March. It wasn't too much of a surprise, and to be honest, we are glad there is a definite direction for the kids to move in. 

As we are nearing the end of our first time as parents I find myself reflecting on the past 9 months.  Reflecting on the pains, the sorrows, the laughter, and the joy. I even find myself reflecting on that silly birdhouse. 

Here is said birdhouse... hey, I never said it was pretty.  No Pinterest for this bad boy, that's for sure! 

Life seems to be categorized by different life changing events like: high school, college, marriage, kids, etc. Through all these life stages "loss" is experienced and can be focused on way too much. Sometimes we forget about the little "wins" we have along the way. 

So I've decided that while I may be losing the first kids I ever had, I will, by golly, "win" at making a birdhouse before they leave! 

That's right! BOOM! How do you like them apples!?! 

#atleastmymomlovesme #hashtagsmakemefeelbetter #birdhousewinyo


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