I Am Weak...

A couple of times a week, Austin and I will have "running dates".  This isn't where we run from each other... even though that might seem like a good idea after an argument!  Instead we meet at a local park after work.  I bring his running clothes and both our water bottles.  Once he arrives and changes, we then head out on our typical path.  Our running lengths usually vary between 1-3.5 miles.  

One day he was running late.  Instead of waiting, I texted him a reminder and then said, "your clothes are in the car, catch me if you can!"  I headed out on my path, knowing that there was a good chance that he would catch me.  About halfway through my run I noticed him coming up the other side of the trail (it's a big loop) and I knew it was only a matter of time.  Towards the end of the run, I tried to speed up but these legs of mine can only go so fast!  Within the last leg he finally caught up and actually passed me!

I later found out that he was still at work when he got my text (which is about 5 minutes away) and he took off like a banshee so he could catch me.  I have to admit, it was nice knowing that he still likes to "chase" after me!

My bridge holding skills
This experience made me think a lot about my running skills (and my "nunchuku skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills..." but those are for another post).  I don't claim to be speedy... any of my athletic friends from high school know that it is not one of my strengths.  In fact, I always hated to run, it was a punishment.  On the first 5-K I ever ran, I was passed by not 1 but 2 mothers pushing their strollers...  just saying, it didn't do a lot to boost my confidence!

Point is, running is a weakness I have but in the last few months of running consistently, I have improved my mile time by almost a minute!  I have felt stronger, happier, and more fulfilled physically than I have in a long time.  I even feel more confident.  While I may not be "fast" according to a stop watch, running has definitely become more of a strength to me than it ever has before.

"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."
                                                                        - Ether 12:27 (Book of Mormon)

Austin holding up a mountain... no big deal
This running experience has even helped remind me of other weaknesses I have and has made me question myself... have I faced my weaknesses?  Have I admitted what I do wrong so that I can try to improve?  Am I challenging myself to be a better person?  Humility is very difficult for a prideful person like me.  I am thankful for the reminder of this experience so that I can try to be better in all aspects of my life, especially the ones that I dislike.

I am weak... but can be made strong!


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