Our Infertility Story

Kim and her niece

When you start "advertising" to be adoptive parents, the first question that pops into everyone's minds is "why adopt?  Are you having infertility problems and if so, what are they?".  As much as I am open about sharing my feelings on a blog, I do not feel comfortable going into all the details on such a public forum.  Needless to say, I do feel it is valuable to explain a little about why we feel so strongly about adoption.

Since 2008 we have been trying to grow our family.  Tracking ovulation calendars and period dates can become VERY stressful.  Anyone that has tried to have kids knows what I'm talking about.  After years  of doing this, as well as some basic infertility testing, we have decided that we would rather enjoy our lives than live stressed out all the time.  So we've stopped "trying" on the technical tracking level and are just going with the flow.  We've also decided that paying the expense for in-depth infertility testing and in-vitro were not the way we wanted to go.  We feel that we could love any child without bias and with there being so many children in foster care as well as Birthmothers needing adoptive parents, we've felt very strongly that our path is to adopt.

Some of our nieces and nephews

Our main goal is to provide a safe environment for a child where we can teach them good moral principles and show them the good in the world.  We want them to feel loved everyday and know that they can still be themselves.  We want to show them the meaning of hard work and the rewards that follow.  We want to teach them the meaning of family and that family binds everything on Earth and in Heaven, it's the link that brings us all together.  
Swimming with our niece and nephew

We are so excited to adopt!  It feels like the right time for us and we couldn't be happier to start this journey.  There may be bumps in the road (our caseworker brought by paperwork this last week... it's about an inch thick!) but we know it will be worth it.  If we can love but one child and bring happiness to their life then we will feel we've made a difference.  


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